Some time ago I wrote about Pulpit & Pen's hatchet job on Nabeel Qareshi.
Since then they've featured an article called "The Trouble with Tribulation." Written by guest writer P. E. Harris, it's a hit piece against pretribulationism. This is a fellow who disagrees with a system and throws some mud at it. It's a pity that these types of condescending articles appear on a professing discernment ministry website. I comment on it HERE
Blog Milestone: 2.5 Million Views
We hit a new milestone for our blog Veritas Domain: Sometime last week
during the last week of February we had 2.5 million total views! That’s
the total o...
3 hours ago
They are a second rate ministry for the self-righteous
Wow let me check out your link...
I should point out that Dr Watson shared that LaHaye story in a Facebook discussion. He gave me permission to share it. I've heard similar accounts of Hal Lindsey. We can disagree with these men in areas. But they had-have a passion for sinners.
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