Powerful stuff - especially STB's analysis of Walsh's evidential approach to abortion compared to the presuppositional approach. STB has a great snippet of Voddie Baucham some time after the 37 min mark. Todd Friel also provides it HERE. Baucham's full presentation can be found HERE
What is the real tragedy? Well balanced and right to the heart of the issue...
I’ll never forget the first time I saw Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. It was the late ‘80s and my first trip to France. My French grandfather, Georges Lycan, had just picked us up from Orly and was giving us a flyby tour of Paris on our way to his country home in the Loire Valley. It was a stunning site of both intimidating grandeur and breathtaking beauty...keep reading
There's nothing really "progressive" about Progressive Christianity. It's old material- started in Eden by the Ultimate Progressive. The other expression I sometimes see is "Free-thinking Christianity." But it isn't like they've simply applied their free-thinking minds to Scripture and come up with a biblically viable non-Orthodox interpretation. They attach themselves to past and modern writers and thinkers they prefer, in order to set the Bible on a lower shelf.
Paul was right:
I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Tim 4:1-4
The following 2017 article by Alisa Childers hits a lot of targets...
Steve Lawson Interview
I wanted to avoid this type of post, but regrettably, it has become
necessary. Steve Lawson and I became friends during the process in which he
was used by...
Review: Batman: The Caped Crusader Volume 1
Here’s a weekend reading review of comics, because sometimes Pastors also
need a break from missions and ministry! Here are comics I read with my
kids! Ji...
The Nature of the Unbeliever
As Christians, we love people and desire for them to be saved. We pray for
their salvation, we share the Gospel with them, and we urge them to repent
of s...
Can we trust God’s promises?
Can we trust God’s promises? Throughout the Old Testament, God made strong
statements and specific promises to national Israel; a nation which was
more o...
The Biggest Story Family Devotional
Kevin DeYoung, ed. The Biggest Story Family Devotional (Wheaton: Crossway
Books, 2024), 415 pp. Family worship is heralded is an important aspect of
the Ch...
“A Possible Problem with Your Reasoning”
This repost comes from an interchange with some CT’s a while back. I think
it typifies what I tend to run into when trying to communicate my
reservations a...
The Blog Has Moved
This blog has moved to a new location. I have posted “Some Recommended
Books on Christology” at the new site. Lord willing, in the New Year I will
be doing...
The Importance of Six-Day Creation (Slides)
Six-day creation is an important pillar of Biblical worldview. Of course,
the importance of an assertion does not make it true, and the importance of
Reformed Faith in Uganda
Last month (June 24-29) I taught a course on Apologetics at the Trinity
Bible Institute in Kapchorwa, Uganda, for ITEM (International Theological
Prayer and preaching
William Arnot, in his Studies in Acts: The Church in the House (135), gives
the following illustrated advice: Prayer and preaching, alternate or
Saturday Sampler: June 4 — June 10
I’ve seen it so many times — people that appeared to be solid believers
drifting away from the faith and embracing various false teachings. It
always break...
Psalm 121 and the Significance of the Mountains
Psalm 121, the second of the “psalms of ascent,” begins with a well-known
line, “I lift up my eyes to the hills” and then either “from whence comes
my help...
“What weak creatures we are!"
*Your weekly Dose of Spurgeon*
The *PyroManiacs* devote some space each weekend to highlights from the
lifetime of works from the Prince of Preachers, Cha...
Paul’s Uses of “Law” in Romans
*by Michael Vlach*
Most who study the use of “law” in Paul’s writings note that understanding
all of Paul’s uses of the term is not easy. Bel...