Saturday, May 27, 2023

This C.S. Lewis Book Predicted the 21st Century

 Nice discussion of Lewis' "That Hideous Strength."

Friday, May 26, 2023

Magnanimity: A Forgotten Virtue


The Great Tribulation

A helpful article from Precept Austin.

The term Great Tribulation was first used by Jesus in Matthew 24:15 in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25), in which He addressed His Jewish disciples Peter, James and John (Mark 13:3) who had asked Him "when will these things be (destruction of the Temple - Mt 24:2), and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Mt 24:3) There are two other uses of the exact phrase "great tribulation" in the Revelation...continue reading

Friday, May 19, 2023

Theological Systems and the New Creation Model

 Mike Vlach discusses his new book.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Watchers, Artificial Intelligence, & Ancient Evils

Another one from "Haunted Cosmos."

Monday, May 15, 2023

The Cost of Following Jesus


The Church Age and Israel's Future

Sermon by Jack Hughes


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Scott Aniol's review of Doug Wilson's Mere Christendon

The Christian Nationalism thing went hot on Twitter recently. Somewhat tied into the topic is theonomy and postmillennialism. I found myself walking away from some individuals who perhaps need to learn to be more gracious when contending - a lesson for me as well. It's a pity because in at least one case I've profited from the person's insight in other matters. Without actually having read Wilson's book, I thought Aniol's assessment below was good and agree with his thoughts.

When Stephen Wolfe’s book The Case for Christian Nationalism first came out, I picked up a copy, read the first third of the book, and then decided that it wasn’t really relevant to me at the time. I had written and taught about the biblical relationship between Christianity and culture for over a decade, had fairly firm convictions on the matter, and recognized quickly that I disagreed theologically with Wolfe’s proposal. It was immediately evident to me that his proposal was essentially an application of paedocommunion and postmillennialism to whole nations and, well, as a non-postmillennial Baptist, I didn’t think it was relevant...continue reading 

Israel In The Biblical Worldview

For those interested, Perry Trotter's new book addressing Replacement Theology is finally available. I (as have others) had the privilege of seeing the manuscript and recommend it. Buy it HERE

Saturday, May 6, 2023

What do we mean by secular?

From Westminster Magazine:

What comes to mind when you hear the word “secular”? Godlessness? Anti-religious sentiment? Apathy toward faith? Our world is often labeled secular, but when pressed we may not know what that really means. In Charles Taylor’s magisterial work, A Secular Age, he offers a definition and explanation that I’ve found insightful and helpful. It’s been insightful because it shows me how to understand the modern Western world I live in—a place where belief in God has been let go in the wind behind culture and popular discourse, drifting in the trees in back of our words and actions. It’s helpful because it suggests how I might talk to people who desperately need the God I love and worship. And that all comes down to a question we might ask any human being: what do you choose?...continue reading

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Swift Justice: The Biblical Importance of Timely Judgment

Peter Goeman on the Lord's coming and swift and imminent judgment:

In a previous existence, I held a job where I was responsible for upholding the principles of fairness and accountability. And by that, I mean I was a high school swim coach. I loved swimming, and I loved helping others feel pain through swimming. I enjoyed the job immensely, but early on, I learned a valuable lesson about the necessity of timely justice...continue reading

The Doctrine of Imminency: Is it Biblical?

I see imminency in a slightly different way than most other pretribulationists. There was a period when one can say the Lord could not return immediately; some events obviously had to occur before then. But as time progressed after His ascension, imminent language began appearing in the epistles. 

Notwithstanding the different eschatological views (historicism etc) that theologians held through history, many warned that Christ could come at any moment. Renald Showers provides a few examples in "Maranatha." 

Here's an article by Gerald Stanton. I don't agree with all he says:

The primary thought expressed by imminency is that something important is likely to happen, and could do so without delay. While it may not be immediate nor necessarily soon, it is next on the program and may take place at any time. If the event is evil or potentially dangerous we would call it impending for it is threatening to occur. But if it is an event full of hope and joyful expectation we express it by the noun imminence or the adjective imminent. Among believers, these words normally relate to the possible soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to catch up His Church in that happy and monumental event called the Rapture...continue reading