See also
Looking for Christ’s Coming and
The Pretribulational Rapture Bullies
Yes, I rearranged the wording of Joe Schimmel's epic four-and-half-hour DVD "Left Behind or Led Astray?" I believe the movie has left the truth behind and led people astray.
I've read a lot of propaganda surrounding Darby and the origins of pretrib over the years. Judging by what I saw in the trailer and what I've read from the movie's fan base blogs, it's pretty much the same conspiratorial stuff regurgitated by people driven by a Quixotic vision of saving the world from pretribulationism and dispensationalism. One of the
incisive points was that pretibulationism may have originated from the Jesuits. And here I thought only Seventh-day Adventists pushed that cart along these days.
Following Dr Wilkinson's initial brief comments expressing dismay at the movie, two of the participants felt compelled to convene a one hour and forty-five minute rebuttal. See a previous post
Dr Paul Wilkinson has finally responded at length. It's well worth a look.
A new DVD documentary has just been released by Good Fight Ministries entitled, “Left Behind or Led Astray? Examining the Origins of the Secret Pre-Tribulation Rapture.” Good Fight Ministries is run by post-tribulationist Joe Schimmel, the senior pastor at Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California. Schimmel’s documentary is endorsed by evangelist Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, star of the original “Left Behind” movies. The following write-up appears on the back cover: “Take a fascinating journey with us as we examine the shocking origins of the secret, pre-tribulation rapture doctrine…. Featuring expert commentary from David M. Bennett, Dr. Mark Patterson, Jacob Prasch, Joel Richardson, and Dave MacPherson.” The truth of the matter is that the 4½ hour film seriously distorts the historical evidence and is full of false accusations, unsubstantiated myths, and lies...keep reading
Here's another response from
Once Lost