Saturday, September 23, 2017

Jack Hibbs interviews Dr. David Hocking & Dr. Ed Hindson

Very good interview. At what point is the world and the church at today? What did Schaeffer have to say about it?

Friday, September 22, 2017

Remembering Nabeel Qureshi

My little tribute to Nabeel Qureshi:
On the 16th of September 2107, God called 34 year old Nabeel Qureshi home to glory after a long battle with stomach cancer. He leaves a grieving wife and daughter behind, as well as parents, a sister, and countless people whose lives he touched...keep reading

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Remembering Dr. Robert L. Thomas

Last week Dr. Robert Thomas went to be with the Lord. In his 89 years of life he fought in the Korean War (US Army, 2nd Lieutenant), attended Moody Bible College, Faith Seminary, Dallas Seminary, and then served the Lord as New Testament Chair at Talbot for nearly thirty years. In 1987 he left that position to join the faculty at the newly formed Master’s Seminary, where he would teach for another three decades...keep reading

On a personal note, back in 2011 I came across an article which denigrated Dr. Thomas' scholarship on a particular point of 2 Thess 2. The individual even questioned whether Dr. Thomas was still alive; the implication being that he was so old, perhaps he'd lost his edge. I had the temerity to contact Dr. Thomas at TMS - not really expecting a response. He duly responded. Not only did he answer my question, he was also very gracious regarding the individual in question. I was impressed. Further down the track I was able to verify that other Greek grammar scholars supported Dr. Thomas' position. The incident spoke volumes about both men.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Every Promise of Your Word - Rhett Dodson

I recently reviewed Rhett Dodson's book Every Promise of Your Word – The Gospel According to Joshua. Read it HERE

When the Lord returns to deal with his enemies, his holy war against sin will make Joshua’s conquest look like the proverbial Sunday School picnic. Those who wish to describe the God of Joshua as a moral monster must deal with Jesus the Conqueror. The God of Joshua and Jesus are the same God. They possess the same holiness and intolerance of sin. Is it any worse for the Lord to use the army of Israel to judge his enemies than it is to judge them directly? (Page 140)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

James White v Matthew Vines

Given the recent controversy over the Nashville Statement (NS), I felt a 2015 article by James White to be germane. You can read more material on NS issues at Triablogue. I will be including the links in this week's article for Zeteo 3:16.

Read Dr White's article HERE.