Thursday, July 23, 2020

Red flags & Michael Heiser

Dr Michael Heiser is very popular in prophecy circles. I've been aware of him for a number of years (around 12). He's written extensively on the Divine Council and other related matters.

Some time ago I watched Dr. Darrell Bock interview Mike Heiser regarding his book "The Unseen Realm." So I bought it. I had several concerns. The Creation Ministries International article linked below goes into others. Dr. Heiser is a very smart man. He'll tell you that his ideas and materials are peer-reviewed (they are) and do not fall out of the realm of orthodoxy. Perhaps that's one problem facing the church today...

 Dr Michael Heiser is a scholar of Hebrew and semitic languages who moves in Evangelical circles. CMI’s first interaction with him was something in common: criticism of alien abduction claims (see the Alien Intrusion book and DVD). However, later on, there were serious concerns.

He is very opposed to biblical (‘young-earth’) creation. But unlike, say, Hugh Ross, who affirms biblical inerrancy, albeit pretzelizing it beyond recognition, Heiser uses another tactic, all too common among compromisers these days. This is to impugn Scripture itself, by claiming that it was teaching an erroneous cosmology, including a flat earth. So, they claim, if we don’t accept its flat-earth teaching, we should not accept its chronology and order of events if it conflicts with modern ‘science’...keep reading

1 comment:

Paul said...

Thanks for this Alf.

I am no fan of Heiser, and think his materials have more chaff than wheat. Interestingly, Eugene Merrill spoke to me about him years ago, (before he had been heard of) and warned me about his odd teachings.