Following the latest Christ At The Checkpoint conference, Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries made some critical observations. One noted irony was that immediately after CATC2, the Palestinian Authority closed one of the Christian churches, presumably because of its support for Israel. You can read about it HERE and HERE.
Another low point was Dr. Manfred Kohl’s reaction following Pastor Wayne Hilsden’s presentation. According to israel today Magazine:
“Wayne received applause from the audience following his address, and several of the day's other speakers and presenters expressed satisfaction with what he had said. However, the very next speaker, Dr. Manfred Kohl, laid into Wayne's theology in no uncertain terms.
“While he did not address Wayne personally, Kohl labeled the literal reading of scripture Hilsden had just presented as the theology of fools who delight in their own idiocy. (Emphasis mine)
"How can [Christians] be so stupid in their interpretation of the Bible and at the same time be so excited about our interpretation?" asked Kohl. "Apparently the two expressions are not mutually exclusive." (Emphasis mine)
I don’t want to weigh in on the pros and cons of whether Pastor Wayne should or shouldn’t have involved himself. However, I applaud his humble efforts and may God bless them!
Yet after noting the tampering of Dr Feinberg’s essay from a previous conference and Dr Kohl’s vitriol, I would suggest caution in any future involvement with the CATC organizers. They have an agenda and they won’t be dissuaded from it.
Bible Contradiction? Did the women immediately tell the disciples?
For today’s post we will tackle the question the Skeptic Annotated Bible
asked: Did the women immediately tell the disciples? Here are the answers
which th...
9 hours ago
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