Pearly gates
A dear friend received a hymn in Dutch which he read to his wife in her
last days. He sent me a translation which he asked me to versify. It turns
out the ...
The Lord Is My Provider
[image: From The Master's Seminary Blog, "The Lord Is My Provider"]
Imagine a couple, married for decades, who has an anniversary coming up.
The husband ...
Daily Liturgy Devotional – Douglas Sean O’Donnell
Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Daily Liturgy Devotional: 40 Days of Worship and
Prayer (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2024), 255 pp. The Daily Liturgy
Devotional: 40 D...
Reflections on Shepherds Conference 2025
The first Shepherds Conference I attended as a pastor was in 2016. I had
attended the conference in 2001 and 2002 while a student at The Master’s
Seminary ...
Body, Mind, and Soul
*When you die, you're not going to be surprised, because you're going to be
completely dead. Now if find myself aware after I'm dead, I'm go...
How Should I Interpret Biblical Figures of Speech?
Do you ever struggle to understand when Scripture’s words should be
interpreted as literal or figurative? Many Christians do. But don’t be
discouraged: Y...
Denying the Trinity – Part 2
We have been examining the claims of Liam, who denies the Trinity in
general and who, in particular, denies that Jesus is God. This ultimately
is not an i...
A Consideration of New Covenant Passages (Pt. 4)
PART THREE The Form of a Divine Covenant Both Isaiah 42:6 and 49:8 include
a messianic prediction of the Servant of Yahweh being “made as a covenant.”
The Gospel According to God
The Gospel According to God is the title of a soon-to-be-released 228 page
book by Dr John MacArthur. It’s the latest in the “Gospel” series. The
The Blog Has Moved
This blog has moved to a new location. I have posted “Some Recommended
Books on Christology” at the new site. Lord willing, in the New Year I will
be doing...
Saturday Sampler: June 4 — June 10
I’ve seen it so many times — people that appeared to be solid believers
drifting away from the faith and embracing various false teachings. It
always break...
Psalm 121 and the Significance of the Mountains
Psalm 121, the second of the “psalms of ascent,” begins with a well-known
line, “I lift up my eyes to the hills” and then either “from whence comes
my help...
“What weak creatures we are!"
*Your weekly Dose of Spurgeon*
The *PyroManiacs* devote some space each weekend to highlights from the
lifetime of works from the Prince of Preachers, Cha...
Paul’s Uses of “Law” in Romans
*by Michael Vlach*
Most who study the use of “law” in Paul’s writings note that understanding
all of Paul’s uses of the term is not easy. Bel...
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