Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Paradoxes : The Theology Pugcast

A Blessed Christmas to all.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Revelation 20 and the End Times

Some day soon I'll stop being lazy and actually write a new post. Anyway, I've always appreciated Matt Waymeyer. This Part-One-interview rocks.

How should we understand Revelation 20? Is it true that Revelation 20 is the only evidence for premillennialism? Does amillennialism and postmillennialism provide an adequate understanding of Revelation 20? Matt Waymeyer joins me to talk about the details of Revelation 20 and how we should understand this text in relationship to Revelation 19. (Peter Goeman)

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Matthew 24:30-31 and the Gathering of Israel at Jesus' Return

Alongside the discussion below I strongly recommend Mike Vlach's book, The Old in the New. And note that this occurs after the tribulation - the gathering does not cut the tribulation short.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Lord's my shepherd (Crimond)

I'm currently reading through David Gibson's "The Lord of Psalm 23." The Foreword is by Sinclair Ferguson, which is always a treat for me. Early on, Gibson mentions the word Crimond. I Googled it and came up with the York Minster Choir hymn below - another treat.

Friday, October 20, 2023

The Postmillennial Vendetta Against Dispensationalism

Re-posting this. Over the years I've noted that "squeaky wheels" demand to be noticed, but often get all sentimental and sensitive when their views are confronted. I'm seeing this play out on X (Twitter) where one fellow (Greg Thornberg) who appears to have done some homework is responding to postmil-theonomy. The more elder-avuncular proponents are chastising him for misrepresenting and misunderstanding their position. Where have I heard that before? This is classic evasion stuff. Anyway, it's a shame they don't chide their own folk.

From Peter Goeman...

Many postmillennialists spurn dispensationalism because they view dispensationalism as standing in the way of cultural reformation. As a case in point, here is a recent comment that up-and-coming postmillennialist, Joel Webbon, posted about the need for Christian involvement in artificial intelligence. Although the tweet was about Christians leading in innovation, Webbon somehow managed to work in his dislike for dispensationalism...continue reading

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Tolkien and Thomism: An Interview with Jonathan McIntosh

Fascinating topic (at least for me).

Thursday, October 12, 2023

What does Al Mohler think of Dispensationalism? A Review (Part 1)

Keep your eye out for further installments. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Rosaria Butterfield on 5 Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

 I am reading her book now. Highly recommended.

Friday, September 29, 2023

2023 Pre-Trib Conference

32nd Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference: Answering the Critics

See the schedule HERE 

Somebody noted on X (Twitter) that Andy Woods is to give a talk on prewrath, the suggestion being that PW is making "major inroads in their circles." You know who you are. Let me offer my take on this: from personal experience, PW is the constantly squeaky wheel demanding to be heard. Hence, you're going to get feedback. And the more PW becomes known, the more scrutiny it will receive.

As for Dr. Woods, I had the honor to briefly dialogue with him. He did his homework; understands the system about as well as anyone, and probably better than a lot PW rapturists I've encountered. You can find his critique of the prewrath view HERE.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Rachel Wilson - Occult Feminism

This interview covers quite a few areas I've been concerned about. Worth a watch.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Are We Living in the Last Days? (Peter Goeman)

The concept of the “last days” or end times captivates the imagination of many Christians. It conjures up vivid images of the rapture, the Antichrist, and apocalyptic events preceding Christ’s return. But what does the Bible actually teach about the last days, and are we living in them now? Intriguingly, the Bible declares we are living in the last days (but not in the last of the last days)...continue reading

Monday, September 4, 2023

Marvin Rosenthal's 14th Tenet

HT Michael Nissim. How did I miss that?

14. The Bible taches that at Christ's return, a surviving remnant of Jews will be regathered to Israel and saved. God's covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will be literally fulfilled (Matt. 24:31; Rom. 11:25-26). ~ Marvin Rosenthal (The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church, page 295)

Note that the PW system typically taches that Matt 24:31 is the rapture, not Israel's regathering. See Charles Cooper's article (last chapter). 

One more thing: Rosenthal placed the 4th seal prior to the Abomination of Desolation, while Van Kampen (The Sign) included it as part of the Great Tribulation. This is a critical difference. See Michael Nissim's article.


Note: Here's a prewrath response to Michael Nissim:

Responding to Bad Pretrib Arguments No. 3. Are the Day of the LORD and the Great Trib the same?

This was a poison-the-well response. He painted pretribbers in a bad light and even went so far as to cite Dave Macpherson!   

Michael is aware of it, and will likely reply when he gets time. I have my thoughts re the fluidity of the expression the Day of Lord, and they're not just mine. He has asked valid questions of the PW system in his articles. These aren't being adequately addressed. PW hangs entirely on its tenuous take on Matt 24:21-22. It is used as a filter to interpret everything else - for example, why insinuate a resurrection in Rev 7, or Matt 24, when it isn't there?

See Tony Garland's commentary HERE 

One of the things which frustrates me is the ubiquitous claim that people like Michael Nissim don't honestly interact with prewrath arguments. It rings hollow to me. I recall a review by a PW author of Renald Showers' book critiquing the system, claiming he misrepresented prewrath. Showers was methodical and pedantic, carefully citing Van Kampen and Rosenthal. The problem was that he nailed it so well, and the mournful review showed that.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Michael Nissim looks at the PreWrath Rapture

Michael Nissim is the person who penned a short critique of prewrath for Ariel Magazine, mentioned in a previous post. He also runs a website which features articles examining several points of the PW model. Here's a linked list:

PreWrath and the Real Sequence of Revelation

*Note that I've considered the possibility that the 6th Seal could be an inclusio or an end-summary. 

No Mourning for PreWrath

What is the Sign of Jesus' Coming in Glory?

PreWrath's "Treatment" of the 4th Seal

*As I've noted in several articles, Renald Showers points out that the 4th Seal utilizes wrath language

Tribulation & Wrath are Interchangeable

*Yes, they are. The former arises from many things, including God's wrath. Moreover, "Satan's Wrath," as depicted in the charts, is actually God's judgment. See also God's Sovereignty.

The Existence of Tribulation Saints

You can find Michael's YouTube channel HERE

PreWrath's problem with TRIBULATION SAINTS

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Deuteronomy 30, the Land, and the Future of Israel

Michael Vlach...scattering and gathering of Israel.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023

Debbielynne Kespert: A Life Well Lived to the Glory of Christ

Justin Peters remembers Debbielynne...

Monday, July 10, 2023

The Rapture Part 6 — Matthew 24:31

Another article by Dave:

Pretribulationists argue that the Olivet Discourse does not describe the rapture, or any resurrection for that matter. They say the audience of this passage is the remnant of Israel, whom the disciples represented at the time.[1] One common argument is that the descriptions of the rapture are so different from this passage that they should be considered two separate events.[2] The posttribulationist replies that they describe different aspects of the same event, and the two are reconcilable. Posttribulationists, including Moo, Ladd, and Gundry; and pre-wrath proponents, including Kurschner and Van Kampen, say that Matthew 24:31 (“they will gather His elect from the four winds”) describes the rapture.[3] They point out that the disciples may have been Jewish, but they soon became the Church. The disciples’ identity is not the only contextual issue, however...continue reading

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

An Argument for a Pretribulation Rapture

What do you think? Must the church be removed for God to focus on Israel? My thoughts will be forthcoming once Dave finishes the series.

The seventy weeks prophecy of Daniel 9 is hugely important for the rapture question. It establishes the timetable for the consummation of God’s plan for Israel, and it defines the tribulation period (Dan. 9:27). The proper name for the tribulation is Daniel’s seventieth week (the prophecy is given in groups of seven years, or weeks of years). The chapter begins with Daniel praying to the Lord, confessing on behalf of his people (Dan. 9:20). “As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth” (Dan. 9:13). Israel should have repented after seventy years of Babylonian captivity, but they did not...continue reading

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Geoff Thomas Sermon Archive

 A Geoff Thomas Treasure Trove HERE

Living in Light of the End Times: Ian Hamilton


Friday, June 16, 2023

PRETRIB: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology (a review)

Here's Shawn Willson's brief YouTube review of Alan Kurschner's book, PRETRIB: Examining the Foundations of Pretribulation Rapture Theology. While I haven't read the book, I intend to add a few comments about the essential observations from the review at a later time. I can already hear some of the objections.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Ariel Ministries on the Pre-Wrath Rapture

Given the allotted space, I thought this was a decent summary of the pre-wrath rapture view by Ariel Ministries. More could have been said regarding the PW position on Matt 24:22. The entire system hinges on a particular interpretation of that passage, yet Scripture is explicit in a number of places that the length of the Great Tribulation is three-and-a-half years. Moreover, the PW reasoning for the shortening of the GT is untenable on closer examination. Read the Ariel article HERE.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The "You" in Matthew 24

From Mike Vlach's blog...

On many occasions in the Bible “you” refers to people who are contemporaries of the person making a statement. For example, when God asked Adam, “Where are you?” (Gen 3:9), the “you” specifically referred to Adam. But on certain occasions “you” is used in a “trans-generational” way concerning national Israel that encompasses people beyond the current generation of Israelites living at the time.

To be more specific, a “trans-generational you” occurs when God addresses Israel as a nation with implications that what is said also applies to generations of Israel beyond the current generation. Knowing this can help us understand God’s purposes. The following are examples of the “trans-generational you” concept...continue reading

Friday, June 9, 2023

Matthew 19:27-30 and Jesus' Coming Kingdom

An explanation of rewards associated with Jesus' coming kingdom with implications for the renewal of the earth, David's throne, the restoration of Israel, and physical blessings. All from Matthew 19:27-30.


On That Day and Hour

The ‘when’ - the day and the hour of His [Christ's] Coming - was to remain hidden from men and Angels. Nay, even the Son Himself - as they viewed Him and as He spake to them - knew it not. It formed no part of His present Messianic Mission, nor subject for His Messianic Teaching. Had it done so, all the teaching that follows concerning the need of constant watchfulness, and the pressing duty of working for Christ in faith, hope, and love - with purity, self-denial, and endurance - would have been lost. The peculiar attitude of the Church: with loins girt for work, since the time was short, and the Lord might come at any moment; with her hands busy; her mind faithful; her face upturned towards the Sun that was so soon to rise; and her ear straining to catch the first notes of heaven’s song of triumph - all this would have been lost! What has sustained the Church during the night of sorrow these many centuries; what has nerved her courage for the battle, with steadfastness to bear, with love to work, with patience and joy in disappointments - would all have been lost! The Church would not have been that of the New Testament, had she known the mystery of that day and hour, and not ever waited as for the immediate Coming of her Lord and Bridegroom. ~ Alfred Edersheim

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Pride Month Activism

In their "almighty wisdom" Google Blogger removed a piece on "Pride Month" by Dan Phillips of Pyromaniacs. See HERE and HERE (links to Twitter).

No doubt someone flagged the article and a techie flicked the switch. It is Pride Month, after all!

Here's what Scripture (God) says:

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. Rom 1:24-27 

But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 1:5-7

See Peter Goeman's article How Can Same-Sex Relationships be Wrong?

Also see Alan Shlemon's Jesus Didn’t Say Anything about Homosexuality

See THIS for context. You can now read Dan's post HERE.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Saturday, May 27, 2023

This C.S. Lewis Book Predicted the 21st Century

 Nice discussion of Lewis' "That Hideous Strength."

Friday, May 26, 2023

Magnanimity: A Forgotten Virtue


The Great Tribulation

A helpful article from Precept Austin.

The term Great Tribulation was first used by Jesus in Matthew 24:15 in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25), in which He addressed His Jewish disciples Peter, James and John (Mark 13:3) who had asked Him "when will these things be (destruction of the Temple - Mt 24:2), and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Mt 24:3) There are two other uses of the exact phrase "great tribulation" in the Revelation...continue reading

Friday, May 19, 2023

Theological Systems and the New Creation Model

 Mike Vlach discusses his new book.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Watchers, Artificial Intelligence, & Ancient Evils

Another one from "Haunted Cosmos."

Monday, May 15, 2023

The Cost of Following Jesus


The Church Age and Israel's Future

Sermon by Jack Hughes


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Scott Aniol's review of Doug Wilson's Mere Christendon

The Christian Nationalism thing went hot on Twitter recently. Somewhat tied into the topic is theonomy and postmillennialism. I found myself walking away from some individuals who perhaps need to learn to be more gracious when contending - a lesson for me as well. It's a pity because in at least one case I've profited from the person's insight in other matters. Without actually having read Wilson's book, I thought Aniol's assessment below was good and agree with his thoughts.

When Stephen Wolfe’s book The Case for Christian Nationalism first came out, I picked up a copy, read the first third of the book, and then decided that it wasn’t really relevant to me at the time. I had written and taught about the biblical relationship between Christianity and culture for over a decade, had fairly firm convictions on the matter, and recognized quickly that I disagreed theologically with Wolfe’s proposal. It was immediately evident to me that his proposal was essentially an application of paedocommunion and postmillennialism to whole nations and, well, as a non-postmillennial Baptist, I didn’t think it was relevant...continue reading 

Israel In The Biblical Worldview

For those interested, Perry Trotter's new book addressing Replacement Theology is finally available. I (as have others) had the privilege of seeing the manuscript and recommend it. Buy it HERE

Saturday, May 6, 2023

What do we mean by secular?

From Westminster Magazine:

What comes to mind when you hear the word “secular”? Godlessness? Anti-religious sentiment? Apathy toward faith? Our world is often labeled secular, but when pressed we may not know what that really means. In Charles Taylor’s magisterial work, A Secular Age, he offers a definition and explanation that I’ve found insightful and helpful. It’s been insightful because it shows me how to understand the modern Western world I live in—a place where belief in God has been let go in the wind behind culture and popular discourse, drifting in the trees in back of our words and actions. It’s helpful because it suggests how I might talk to people who desperately need the God I love and worship. And that all comes down to a question we might ask any human being: what do you choose?...continue reading

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Swift Justice: The Biblical Importance of Timely Judgment

Peter Goeman on the Lord's coming and swift and imminent judgment:

In a previous existence, I held a job where I was responsible for upholding the principles of fairness and accountability. And by that, I mean I was a high school swim coach. I loved swimming, and I loved helping others feel pain through swimming. I enjoyed the job immensely, but early on, I learned a valuable lesson about the necessity of timely justice...continue reading

The Doctrine of Imminency: Is it Biblical?

I see imminency in a slightly different way than most other pretribulationists. There was a period when one can say the Lord could not return immediately; some events obviously had to occur before then. But as time progressed after His ascension, imminent language began appearing in the epistles. 

Notwithstanding the different eschatological views (historicism etc) that theologians held through history, many warned that Christ could come at any moment. Renald Showers provides a few examples in "Maranatha." 

Here's an article by Gerald Stanton. I don't agree with all he says:

The primary thought expressed by imminency is that something important is likely to happen, and could do so without delay. While it may not be immediate nor necessarily soon, it is next on the program and may take place at any time. If the event is evil or potentially dangerous we would call it impending for it is threatening to occur. But if it is an event full of hope and joyful expectation we express it by the noun imminence or the adjective imminent. Among believers, these words normally relate to the possible soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to catch up His Church in that happy and monumental event called the Rapture...continue reading

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Prewrath's Great Tribulation

In a previous post I commented on an individual's confident assertion that the posttrib rapture is explicitly mentioned in Matt 24. At the time I noted: 

This person's expectation (among other things) is that the gathering is the rapture, and that the elect is the church. His "context" is derived from superimposing a prewrath-posttrib assumption onto the text. One might just as easily (even more so) make a case that this passage refers to Israel's final gathering. 

Long before I started this blog I became fascinated with the earnest statements of ex-pretribbers who read Rosenthal's book and jumped on the PW wagon. I had blogger friends who adamantly quoted the PW catechism—a progressive chain of verses purporting to support their view. I clearly recall the face of an avuncular-looking former pretrib pastor podcasting on why he'd converted to PW. 

But what he and my PW friends didn't do (in my opinion), was make a compelling case for their switch. In fact, many of the verses they cited were open to different understandings. Worse, the entire structure hung from the chain of a highly questionable interpretation of Matt 24:21-22

A major part of their PW apologetics rested on the supposed errors of the pretrib rapture. Hence, if pretrib is false, then prewrath is true. You might say they were Prewrath Presuppositionalists. 

The biggest problem with the view is that Scripture is consistently explicit regarding the length the Great Tribulation. It is not less than three-and-a-half-years (for the church) as its proponents would have it. Moreover, the PW reason for the "shortening" doesn't make sense under examination. I briefly explore the issues HERE.

The weakest tenet of the prewrath system is the very thing which defines it.

Friday, March 24, 2023

In the interest of strangeness

Brian (Sauve) and Ben investigate some of the more tantalizing wonders and mysteries of the deep places of earth, the watery vaults where nameless things make their home.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Artificial Intelligence & Ouija Boards

Funnily enough, I've been thinking about the correlation between AI and Ouija. Alcasan's Head in That Hideous Strength also comes to mind. 

Lewis Ungit asks some intriguing questions:

A group of my friends sat in the dark candle-lit room with their fingers on the Ouija Board planchette. The creepy attic setting heightened the tingle of fear I think we all shared as they tried to conjure a spirit. Disturbing answers followed. Was there a spirit in the room? The board said, yes. Was it a good spirit or a bad spirit? The spirit said bad. After a few more questions like that, one of the girls got freaked out, turned on the lights, and the experience was over. Later, we debated if one of the kids was intentionally guiding the planchette or not. The materialist in me concluded that it had to be the case. But today, I wonder. It is certainly possible that it was one of the kids guiding it. But I am also much more open to the idea that other entities interact with our world. And I am much more disturbed by the idea of a group of kids in a candle lit attic trying to contact them...continue reading

Addendum: For more related topics see the interview Lewis Ungit - Psychedelics and the Bible

Also his blog.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Revelation Chapter Six

E. W. Bullinger held that the opening of the sixth seal is a summary, not chronological. He said the seal carries through to the end. You can read his Commentary on Revelation HERE

Darrel Cline seems to agree. In The Rapture is When? he writes,

The difference between Jesus' words in Matthew 24 and Jesus' revelation of the sixth seal is that the event described in Matthew 24 is a presentation of the coming of Jesus from heaven to earth to gather the nation of Israel to her promised land (Deuteronomy 30:4) from one end of heaven to the other, while the revelation of the sixth seal is a large overview of the entire scenario of Daniel's seventieth week by use of the concept of "inclusio". This concept is one in which a writer takes a "front-end issue" and links it to a "back-end issue" so that it represents the entire unit.

For a few years I've been leaning heavily that way too. In any case, I thought the Commentary on Revelation Chapter Six by Precept Austin was pretty neat, although it maintains the traditional view. Find it HERE

PS Related Passages and Themes

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Olive Tree Metaphor

Another great article by Dr. Reluctant.

Some passages of Scripture have suffered under the myosis of its interpreters more than most. At the forefront of these abused passages is surely Romans 11:16-29. For sure, there is a bit of deciphering of Paul’s language to do, but all in all I think the apostle’s thrust is easy to grasp. The problem with so many interpretations of the verses, especially by those who like to employ the NT to interpret the OT, is that they tend to read their theology into the passage while ignoring the details...continue reading

Monday, March 6, 2023

Vern Poythress: Spiritual Warfare

For various reasons I won't go into here, I found the following three presentations by Dr. Poythress surprisingly helpful.

Part One) Great Texts About Preaching

Part Two) Spiritual Warfare

Part Three) Spiritual Warfare

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

About “Deep in History”

What does “Deep in History” Really Mean? An interesting article by Matt Ferris.  


Many have said that reading the early church fathers will “make you a Catholic” or something similar. But, reading Thomas Torrance’s assessment of the fathers actually strengthened my commitment to the Scriptures alone as the only ground of authority. Torrance’s book (his doctoral dissertation) The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers is a survey of several sub-apostolic writings for how they deal with the concept of grace vis-à-vis the New Testament..continue reading

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Biblical Covenantalism: Overview of the Course & Book of Revelation

I'm on board with Dr. Henebury's position on the flexibility of the term "The Day of the Lord," and when the 6th seal of Revelation occurs. It makes sense to me. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Monday, February 20, 2023

Revival Conference 2021

With all the talk about whether Asbury is a true work of God or not, I thought posting this playlist might be helpful to any interested.

Watch the Conference HERE

Read my Zeteo 3:16 article HERE

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Rapture Explicitly Posttrib?

Is a posttribulational rapture explicitly taught in Scripture? A participant in a Facebook group discussion has cited two statements made by John Walvoord: 

1) "The fact is that neither pretribulationism and posttribulationism is an explicit teaching of Scripture. The Bible does not in so many words state either."

2) "Both pretribulationists and posttribulationists are confronted with the fact that the Scripture does not expressly state either view."

Then this individual claims that Walvoord's statement is only partially true:

"It is A FACT that pretribulationism is not an EXPLICIT teaching of Scripture. However, it is a FACT that the Scripture teaches a rapture AFTER the tribulation." (All capitalization his)

The idea of posttrib explicitness is based on his assumption regarding the "context" of the Mathew 24 Olivet Discourse. But what does this alleged rapture passage actually say?

And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. Mat 24:31

This person's expectation (among other things) is that the gathering is the rapture, and that the elect is the church. His "context" is derived from superimposing a prewrath-posttrib assumption onto the text. One might just as easily (even more so) make a case that this passage refers to Israel's final gathering. 

Given this, John Walvoord was right: neither posttrib nor pretrib is explicit in Matt 24.  

For more see a previous post: Conclusion to Messiah's Lecture on Israel

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

On the Asbury Revival

Read Denny Burk's thoughts HERE. See especially the points on Scripture evidences of a work of the Spirit. 

And Alisa Childers....

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Calvinism and the Antichrist

The new Left Behind movie has drawn a few comments from non-pretrib folk. I recall one popular activist some years ago spouting that pastors are negligent if they don't prepare their flock for "Antichrist's Great Tribulation."

More recently a five-point Calvinist borrowed from Pascal's Wager, remarking that if his view was wrong pretribs are OK. But if they do face the Antichrist, many could become susceptible to apostasy and lose everything.

I presume losing everything means becoming unsaved. How does Calvinism (TULIP) operate in concert with that concept?

For a brief rundown on Calvinism's TULIP system, see Got Questions' article: What is a Calvinist? Calvinist R. C. Sproul answers the question: Can a Christian Lose their Salvation? Read the Got Questions Version. See also The Threat of Apostasy and this on Hebrews 6. Note Paul Henebury's comment on the latter, and find his commentary on Hebrews HERE.

So the non-pretrib Calvinist evangelist must say something odd like this: 

"O, and by the way; you're predestined and eternally saved and can't lose your salvation; but you better prepare for the Antichrist or risk losing it (apostasy)."

The OSAS opponent might say: 

"You better prepare for the "Antichrist's Tribulation" or you'll (somehow) get confused after not being raptured and possibly take the Mark of the Beast, and lose your salvation."

I've asked how they prepare. It surely can't be that they merely expect to face the Antichrist. The lengthy equivocations never answer the question directly. They don't target postmils and amils, so one assumes these groups are somehow naturally prepared.

Both examples are self-exulting, divisive postures that seek to justify activist behavior and various non-pretrib ministries.

John Murray wrote,

If we prize our life (that is, our natural life) more than Christ's honor and will compromise his truth and glory rather than part with life, then we are not Christ's. That's the simple issue. We're not his if we will compromise truth and justice and honor in order to preserve our life in expense of God's glory. (The Cost of Discipleship)

The question ought to be: have you truly placed your faith in Christ now? Examine yourself. He is the One who keeps you.

Perseverance: Jesus will not lose any who have been given to him by the Father (John 6:38-39); he gives eternal life to them so they will never perish (John 3:16; 10:27-28), and those who leave the faith were never believers to begin with (1 John 2:19).

Additional thoughts

If you're a genuine Calvinist, you understand that God is sovereign in salvation. If that's the case, God is also the one who keeps a believer. For more on this see John MacArthur's "Ashamed of the Gospel," especially the chapter called "The Sovereignty of God in Salvation." See also J. I. Packer's "Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God." 

God is sovereign in electing and preserving. No one can stand in their own preparation. The non-pretrib Calvinist's warning is disingenuous. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Interview: "The Procedure (Abortion)" with Kevin Sorbo and Laura Klassen

Watch The Procedure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Begg-ing the Eschatological Question

Keep in mind that I appreciate Alistair Begg and attend Parkside Church. 

A Challenge to the Pre-Trib Rapture? (Pt. 1)

From Dr. Reluctant...

I have received the following objection to the Pre-Trib Rapture from a brother named Jerry Parks. Jerry is a good man who blogs here. He states his argument thus (I have brought together his main assertions from several comments etc.)...continue reading

It was posted in a Facebook Group where a couple of prewrath adherents responded. Some of the comments are TLDR (too long, didn't read); but I skimmed through a few. Perhaps after Paul finishes I'll add my 2 cents. For the record, I rarely engage there as I find the debates go in endless circles.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What is Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism?

In this episode, we introduce the concept of Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism. Theonomy and postmillennialism have been popularized by individuals like Jeff Durbin, Gary DeMar, and Doug Wilson. This episode talks about what it is, and where it came from.

Elizabeth Johnson - A life well lived

Elizabeth Johnson: July 13, 1976 ~ January 2, 2023 (age 46)

Elizabeth was a member of Parkside Church (which I attend). Sadly, I never had the privilege of meeting her. While the links are live, take the time to read her obituary (which he wrote) and watch the Parkside service. I was humbled at how she mirrored God's grace and praised Him. She ended her obituary with this,

Thank you for supporting Rusty [husband], Marita, Ané, and Gavin [children]. If I can have one last wish it will be this…believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not harden your heart. Do not wait for tomorrow.  He is your only way to Heaven. He loves you and made a way for you to know Him.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Using Lament to Form Hearts of Trust: Scott Aniol

One of the most important purposes of the psalms in our lives is that they help us deal with the reality of the ungodliness that surrounds us in a sin-cursed world. This kind of adversity characterized most of David’s life. Consider how he describes it in Psalm 86:14...continue reading

Monday, January 23, 2023

Learning About Evangelical Zionism

Some time ago, Perry Trotter put together a series of seven short videos (transcripts available) addressing Evangelical Zionism. They are highly recommended viewing. See HERE and HERE. More to follow soon....

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Biblical Covenantalism : Church, Rapture, Antichrist

Another excellent clarifying presentation from Paul Henebury.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Polishing Brass on a Sinking Ship: Scott Aniol

A long article by Scott Aniol. I've seen a few emotional hits on dispensationalism by postmils. Postmillennialism appears to be on the rise on social media and a few are becoming more vocal. What I don't often see is thorough biblical engagement by them. Do the charges hold water?

Dispensational premillenialists have long been charged with cultural retreat, characterized by J. Vernon McGee’s infamous question to his radio audience, “Do you polish brass on a sinking ship?”

This paper will show that, despite the rhetorical extremes of some dispensationalists, dispensational premillenialism does not necessitate withdrawal from cultural engagement; rather, it actually provides a theological basis for equipping Christians as they are active in society. After exploring the underlying rationale for common portrayals of traditional dispensationalism as culturally impotent and briefly summarizing the alternative evangelical philosophy of cultural transformationalism, the paper will present a traditional dispensational philosophy of the church and cultural engagement along four lines...continue reading

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Genesis: no room for theistic evolution

I'm thrilled that C.M.I. has finally reviewed this important book.

Cornelis Van Dam’s In the Beginning: Listening to Genesis 1 and 2 is an exegetical tour de force of the opening chapters of Genesis that combines a careful listening to the text with a thorough examination of recent scholarly developments that would seek to reconcile the creation account with modern evolutionary theory (p. 9). The author notes that due to “the enormous prestige enjoyed by science and its championing the theory of evolution … the previous several decades have seen a remarkable momentum toward the acceptance of theistic evolution in theologically conservative circles” (p. 2)...continue reading

Get it HERE

Monday, January 16, 2023

Varieties of Atheism : The Theology Pugcast

"Drawing from John Gray’s book: Seven Types of Atheism." 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Friday, January 6, 2023

Systems of Interpretation

"A Testimony of Jesus Christ" is a fantastic commentary on Revelation by Tony Garland. I think it easily stands beside Thomas' work. I got a lot out of the section discussing Systems of Interpretation. Read it HERE.

Incidentally, Tony is also working on a commentary of Daniel.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Ten Quotes from H.G. Wells (The Open Conspiracy)

 Article by Carl Teichrib (author of Game of Gods). 

H.G. Wells was one of the most influential visionaries of the early twentieth century. His many books, both fiction and non-fiction, inspired multitudes of men and women who, like Wells, looked to a “World State” as the savior of humanity. Although he wrote often of an international order, Mr. Wells’ optimism for the future waned due to the destruction of World War II. Nevertheless, his desire for an “Open Conspiracy” – a movement of organizations and people seeking the establishment of a world collective – was forefront in his thinking.

Here are ten quotes from Wells...continue reading

Excerpt: 6. “The world needs something stronger than any possible rebellion against its peace. In other words it needs a federal world government embodying a new conception of human life as one whole.” – Wells, The Outline of History, Volume III – Modern History (Triangle Books, 1940 edition), p.1170.