Friday, April 9, 2021

Prewrath "Onslaught"

It's no secret in prophecy circles that Dr. Andy Woods has been addressing the prewrath rapture as part of a series on the different views of its timing. He's dispensational and pretribulational so he's going to critique the other views while showing why he believes pretrib is correct. 

When some of us found out that he was preparing to critique prewrath, we predicted that certain things would happen, and certain things would be said in response. Already one person labeled Woods' prewrath series an "onslaught." 

What irony! 

Anyone who's ever read Rosenthal and Van Kampen objectively ought to acknowledge that their books didn't just present a new view of the timing of the rapture - they attacked pretribulationism. Rosenthal went so far as to call it a satanic deception. Jacob Prasch (Inter-Intra Seal Prewrath) recently reiterated the "satanic deception" charge in a YouTube video. 

It wasn't that long ago that the four plus hour "Left Behind or Led Astray?" documentary was released. When the inevitable responses came, at least two of the people involved got offended - seriously! More recently we've seen a documentary alleging seven problems for pretrib. See also HERE (I don't agree with everything). 

Prewrathers should give this some thought before grabbing the tissues. That's all I want to say for now. Once Dr. Woods' series is completed I'll find time to add my two cents' worth.

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