Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Jesus our Servant (Ian Hamilton)

Over the years I've gained an immense appreciation for certain pastors. I may not agree with their eschatology, positions on baptism and Replacement Theology etc, but they've ministered to me.

On the other hand there are fairly prominent pastors around who (I think) should prayerfully re-think their attitudes-ministries. One was recently fired after years of controversy. Another one - who has a large prophetic following - needs a quick reality check regarding personal pride and grace.

This last one, sadly, churns out cookie-cutter versions of himself. He's attacked just about everyone from James White, John MacArthur, Paul Washer and Todd Friel etc, and habitually calls his targets apostates, crackpots and heretics. I've touched upon some of these issues HERE and HERE.

That said, Ian Hamilton is a breath of fresh air...


Jesse Albrecht said...

Hello Alf,

I am new to this blog...I just came across it during an internet search. As for who I am, I am simply a youth (20 years old) who has an interest in Christian apologetics. Eschatology has always been a tough subject for me to study, given that it is so controversial. I am glad to see a blogger speaking out on the end times, and am looking forward to reading your blog. I too have a blog:

It addresses Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, cults, moral issues, etc....Also, would you kindly consider adding my blog to your blogroll section? If you would like, I can provide a reciprocal link.

Alf Cengia said...

Thanks for stopping by, Jesse. I'll take a look at your blog when I can.