I'll be quoting from John S. Feinberg, When There are No Easy Answers (Kregel 2016). He's an evangelical philosopher and messianic Jew. His mother suffered from chronic pain. His father developed dementia. His brother died of complications from diabetes. His wife has Huntington's disease, which, in turn, carries a 50/50 chance that it will be transmitted to their children...keep reading
I don't read a lot of Tim Challies' stuff. But I thought his article 7 Signs You're a Cage-Stage Calvinist was pretty good. Mind you, I've come across Cage-Stage Anti-Calvinists. The Cage-Stage idea might also be more broadly applied (e.g., eschatology). I saw a bit of myself in there.
Moriel Ministries seems determined to perpetuate this falsehood. Phil Johnson addressed the matter nearly twenty years ago HERE. Apparently John MacArthur is persona non grata in the Prasch camp.
Adding this: Towards the end Friel refers to Servus Christi and his associate Jacob Prasch. BTW I'm aware that Moriel has responded. Frankly I'm tired of the mud being thrown at other ministries by these two men at various times (attacks against Paul Washer, James White, Alistair Begg, Justin Peters etc). So are many others.
Death has been part of my life since my teens, when my youngest brother took his life. Later, as a young adult, I found my father dead in his house. Death has taken friends I've trained with in the gym. The years eventually caught up to some who seemed invincible. Others died as otherwise healthy young men via sudden tragic circumstances.
These days, I drive past two cemeteries on my weekly visit to Half Price Books. One is on a hill and quite beautiful. I've often thought about taking photos of it. In the other direction, a tiny one is located near my local Heinens store, and could easily be missed. I wonder how many people notice and think about mortality.
As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, And its place remembers it no more. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting On those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children's children, Psalm 103:15-17
My mother died well. As she was waiting for the Lord to call her home she preached to me and my brother. There was no fear of death for her, she was ready to be with her Lord. The Puritans and people like Andrew Bonarwere well-acquainted with death. Yet they had heavenly hope...
It was this week fifty-two years ago that I was set apart for the ministry in Collace, and now I have arrived at a new stage of my journey, the last stage of it. O what a comfort to me that, if I be soon called away, my successor will be a man of God, most earnest to do faithfully the whole work of the ministry, and holding fast the old truth, the everlasting gospel. Many prayers have been answered, and many more prayers are going up, here and elsewhere, for me and my beloved people. Lord hear! Yesterday and today I have had some glimpses within the veil, as if to prepare me more for what may now soon come. It is very solemn to find myself near the threshold of Eternity, my ministry nearly done, and my long life coming to a close. Never was Christ more precious to me than He is now. ~ Andrew Bonar
John H. Walton taught theology at Moody Bible Institute for 20 years, and is now Professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College, Illinois, USA. Recently, he has been busy publishing a string of paperback books, titled The Lost World series. To date, Walton has published The Lost World of Genesis One (2009); The Lost World of Scripture (2014); The Lost World of Adam and Eve (2015); The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest (2017); The Lost World of the Flood (2018); and most recently The Lost World of the Torah (2019). Walton is suggesting, by his series titles, something has been ‘lost’, but what exactly?...keep reading
Over the years I've gained an immense appreciation for certain pastors. I may not agree with their eschatology, positions on baptism and Replacement Theology etc, but they've ministered to me.
On the other hand there are fairly prominent pastors around who (I think) should prayerfully re-think their attitudes-ministries. One was recently fired after years of controversy. Another one - who has a large prophetic following - needs a quick reality check regarding personal pride and grace.
This last one, sadly, churns out cookie-cutter versions of himself. He's attacked just about everyone from James White, John MacArthur, Paul Washer and Todd Friel etc, and habitually calls his targets apostates, crackpots and heretics. I've touched upon some of these issues HERE and HERE.
That said, Ian Hamilton is a breath of fresh air...
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