I respect Rosaria Butterfield despite her postmil view ;-) This is a great discussion. Moreover, I highly recommend her new book, Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Michael Nissim & Andy Woods on the Pre-Wrath Rapture
Michael Nissim is someone who has spent much time seriously thinking about, and analyzing, the prewrath rapture system. He asks valid questions; ones which often align with my thoughts over the years. Below is his latest article. You can read more of his materials HERE
A Strange Dynamic
The Pre Wrath rapture view should concern not only pretribulationists, like myself, but also mid and post-tribulationists.
Let’s lay aside the timing of the rapture for a moment: Pre Wrath is far from being a rapture timing issue. Pre Wrath introduces a complete remodelling of the end times infrastructure. It claims to understand the whole of the second coming in a way none of the other models ever succeeded. To be clear—fresh ideas about the end times should be welcome. They deserve a hearing. Pre Wrath, however, practically bulldozes everything the other models ever agreed upon—and any common understanding altogether—to enable its model to stand...continue reading
Dr. Andy Woods has also researched the prewrath rapture view. You can find a list of critiques on his YouTube Channel. A brief summary of these was presented at the 2023 Pre-Trib Conference. The video, audio and notes can be found HERE.
The video link and my comments can be found at our Zeteo 3:16 website. Further to what I stated there, I want to emphasize that any pretribber accepting a debate from a prewrather ought to, not only understand the arguments for pretrib, but also (obviously) have a decent knowledge of PW.
They must be prepared to go on the offensive.
Don't get trapped into debating a secondary issue such as the meaning of the apostasia in 2 Thess 2. There are pretribbers on both sides of that argument. The debate between Tommy Ice and Alan Kurschner has often been touted as Prewrath vs. Pretrib. This is not the case.
I believe the PW system is convoluted, confusing, and sometimes contradictory. But Nissim and Woods have done their research.