I've been meaning to link this article from The Master's Seminary for some time now. I feel it's a logical follow-up to the last post.
Today churches and missionaries are being told that to imitate the ministry of Jesus they must add social justice to their understanding of the church’s mission. As pastors and missions committees embrace the idea that social action and gospel proclamation are “two wings of the same bird,” the kind of work that they send their missionaries to do changes, and this has a negative effect on world missions. This article highlights those negative effects in an African context, offers historical, practical, and biblical critiques of the trend, and redirects the church’s attention to understanding and fulfilling the Great Commission in the way the apostles did in Acts and the Epistles...keep reading
Gandalf, Bilbo, and Parenting: Observations From a Recent Tolkien-Themed
Podcast Show
It turns out (and when I think about it, sadly it should not be surprising)
“generational norms” affect our interpretation of Lord of the Rings, and
4 hours ago