I recently wrote an article called Discernment Ministry Bullies. There was a lot more which could have been said. But, because of its inflammatory nature, I couldn't use a lot of the material I came across. We do need discernment ministries, though I worry that the nature of such a ministry lends itself to witch hunts. I see a bit of that. That said there are decent discernment ministries around. Justin Peters comes to mind.
Anyway, the process of researching led me down some dark alleys. One person came under attack over a variety of reasons, justifiably so in some cases. Yet some of the beefs people had with this fellow bordered on the cultic. One reason he was being vilified was for having a slightly different slant on the traditional pre-wrath rapture position.
It explained a lot. I saw names of people who commented on my blog over the years. I've deleted most if not all of them. They weren't real comments - just suggestions to Google Tommy Ice, Rapture Dishonesty etc, etc. I'd previously assumed they all came from preterists or posttribulationists. Nope! I traced some of it back to a viral UK blog where the main heresy contender is pretribulationism. But apparently the above-mentioned deviation from the accepted PW view runs a close second. It has been labeled a deception and an attack on the gospel.
Seriously! No wonder our more sober Reformed friends generally run away from discussions about eschatology. They see us as crackpots.
A Response to Israel Steinmetz on His Critique of “The Book of Revelation
is Not Apocalyptic Literature”
In a FB post on February 28, 2025, Israel Steinmetz offered a critique of
an article I wrote entitled, “The Book of Revelation is Not Apocalyptic
9 hours ago
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