Thursday, January 18, 2018

Theologian Gary Burge's Comeback

I've often mentioned Stephen Sizer and Gary Burge on this blog and elsewhere. Here's an update from Dexter Van Zile:
For a while, it looked like Gary Burge’s career as a prominent anti-Zionist in the United States had come to an end and that he was going to suffer a fate similar to his theological twin across the pond in England, Anglican Priest Stephen Sizer.
This past Easter, Sizer retired. His long career in the pulpit was marred by a number of unforced errors, such as promoting the notion that Israel was responsible for 9/11 and participating in a Holocaust-denial conference organized by, of all countries, Iran. After these debacles, his superiors in the Anglican Church finally told him to stop talking about the Arab-Israeli conflict altogether. They had had enough.
To add insult to injury, the folks at InterVarsity Press in both the United Kingdom and the United States decided that they too had enough and stopped printing his books which promoted the notion that God had abandoned the Jewish people and therefore no longer had any right to live in the Holy Land. For his Anglican superiors, Sizer’s retirement must have been a relief...keep reading


Anonymous said...

Good to know he's gone!

Anonymous said...

Whoops read the whole thing...I pray his influence decreases

Alf Cengia said...

Actually both are back "in the saddle."

Now that Sizer is free from his church's shackles, he's resumed his anti-Zionist work. He has begun to blog and started a new organization.

Thanks for dropping by.