The ‘when’ - the day and the hour of His [Christ's] Coming - was to remain hidden from men and Angels. Nay, even the Son Himself - as they viewed Him and as He spake to them - knew it not. It formed no part of His present Messianic Mission, nor subject for His Messianic Teaching. Had it done so, all the teaching that follows concerning the need of constant watchfulness, and the pressing duty of working for Christ in faith, hope, and love - with purity, self-denial, and endurance - would have been lost. The peculiar attitude of the Church: with loins girt for work, since the time was short, and the Lord might come at any moment; with her hands busy; her mind faithful; her face upturned towards the Sun that was so soon to rise; and her ear straining to catch the first notes of heaven’s song of triumph - all this would have been lost! What has sustained the Church during the night of sorrow these many centuries; what has nerved her courage for the battle, with steadfastness to bear, with love to work, with patience and joy in disappointments - would all have been lost! The Church would not have been that of the New Testament, had she known the mystery of that day and hour, and not ever waited as for the immediate Coming of her Lord and Bridegroom. ~ Alfred Edersheim
A Response to Israel Steinmetz on His Critique of “The Book of Revelation
is Not Apocalyptic Literature”
In a FB post on February 28, 2025, Israel Steinmetz offered a critique of
an article I wrote entitled, “The Book of Revelation is Not Apocalyptic
1 hour ago
Thanks for this citation. Please, give a link to the source. Online if possible. Or title of the book at least.
Thanks again, Brother. And for comments on Zeteo. :-)
Thanks for dropping by. One caveat - citing Edersheim wasn't intended to defend pretribulationism. I don't even know if he was Historic Premil. I'm certain he wasn't pretrib. The aim was to show that Edersheim placed high value on the church living with an imminent mindset.
Some non-pretribulationists put a negative slant on imminence. They assert it doesn't work because of human nature. If human nature cancels the value of living with an imminent mindset then the same nature might be a problem for those who prefer "expectancy" and "preparation." The solution lies in our relationship with Christ.
See a previous article here:
While I can't now remember who pointed Edersheim out to me, you can find his comments in "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah." They appear in Book 5 Chapter 6 (page 785 in my copy).
You should also be able to find it online here:
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