Recently, on a website, someone made a remark to the effect that he doesn’t believe a pretribulationist who affirms that we will be raptured out of here in “bed’s of ease” (sic) would be as prepared as a (------) who expects tribulation and therefore prepares his “body, mind and soul”. He also stated that believing otherwise minimized Jesus’ warnings to be ready.
Exactly what does it mean to be ready? I previously posted a link to an article by Fred DeRuvo as I think he adequately addresses that point, along with other misconceptions. You can find it HERE.
What really piqued my interest was the idea that someone could train their body in preparation for the tribulation as I’d never come across that deal before. Maybe I can incorporate some of this training in my own workouts. Unfortunately, the author didn’t elaborate on that point and I do think he’s kidding himself. Would this mean the elderly and infirm will be less prepared than the physically active? Ironically, this same website has argued that pretribulationists also exaggerate the gravity of the seal judgments. A potential problem?
Not too long ago I was fairly certain the Church would still be here when the Lord put His foot in Jerusalem again. Was I better prepared then, than I am now, because I now think that that may not be the case? I actually think I’m better prepared now simply because my faith in God has grown.
It’s nonsensical to believe in the pre-trib rapture just for a desire to escape or that most pretribbers do so for that reason. We are told to expect tribulation in this world. But it isn’t wrong to want to escape The Tribulation. Does anyone seriously look forward to it? A pretribber who expects any moment death or tribulation and also considers the chance of any moment rapture should be preparing for that possibility daily. In such a case the prewrather and posttribber has no advantage.
Websites such as the one I referred to earlier expend a large amount of resources in attacking pretribulationism and various pretribulationists on the premise that it leaves unsuspecting believers unprepared for the great tribulation. Yet these sites hardly ever confront Preterists, Postmillennialists, Amillennialists or the Emergent types. Sadly, this tells me that the problem really is a personal bias against pretribulationism.
The rapture issue should be purely an academic one. Those who judge and question, wholesale, the pretribulationists’ real motives for believing such, probably have character issues of their own that they need to deal with.
If the PreTrib Rapture Creates Spiritually Immature Christians, then What Does the Possibility of Your Last Day on Earth Do?
The PreTrib Rapture, and Being (Allegedly) Unprepared
I am Amazed at the Division Eschatology Creates!
A Response to Israel Steinmetz on His Critique of “The Book of Revelation
is Not Apocalyptic Literature”
In a FB post on February 28, 2025, Israel Steinmetz offered a critique of
an article I wrote entitled, “The Book of Revelation is Not Apocalyptic
13 hours ago
Good post! I have often wondered what people mean when they say they are preparing for the tribulation. Does this involve some paramilitary training or stockpiling. as if those things will save them! What about the poor,elderly or infirmed ect.
So what does it mean to be ready? I think it means to be alert and watching always as the Lord said we should do!! This,coincidentally,is more in line with a pre-trib view as has been pointed out in your referenced article. Thanks for the common sense Mac!!
Thanks for the comments, Gt. I was just telling Alesia that Jack Kinsella keeps getting e-mails form people calling him a false prophet and heretic based on his pre-trib teaching. This always fires me up, as if that’s not obvious already. The other thing that bothers me about folks inferring pre-trib easy believism is that some of the pre-trib guys at Jack’s OL served in Iraq and in the marines. Jack himself is an ex marine and cop. To imply that they believe in pre-trib because they lack intestinal fortitude is pathetic.
Keep looking up!
Well, why don't you tell us how you really feel? LOL
Great job, honey!
Thanks for that, sweetie.
I've been thinking, maybe I can come up with a "Get Fit for the Trib" training routine. Perhaps even write a book. Hmmm...all I need is a title.
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